This Blog is about the helpful information I have found and use to Create Blogs. You can follow the steps I have taken to Create Blogs, and find out how easy and fun it is to Create Blogs and Make Money with them.


Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Creating Blog Traffic with Forums

To be honest I have only recently started to use forums for creating blog traffic - and realised their potential. They are more than just somewhere to post your news and articles to, to enable you to generate traffic. They are communities that you can tap into, and interact with a wide range of people, make friends, ask questions, learn more and even make deals. All on top of the basic fact that they can drive traffic to your blog.

You can find a forum (or message board) on pretty much any subject you can think of. Search for ‘[your subject] forum’ and see what comes up.

I’ve recently joined the Warrior Forum which is an Internet Marketing forum. It’s really helpful and motivating reading the different threads. There’s the chance to see how other people do things, and the ability to network with a lot of people in your chosen field. When you start to post don’t forget to add your signature, where you can place links to your blog or any other site you would like to send traffic to. So every time you ask a question or reply to a post your signature is added and also the link to your blog, giving you more exposure. So the more questions and replies you make the more traffic you may be able to generate. The potential of forums is undeniable.

I was going to add another list here of forums, but I’ll let you explore on your own!

Creating Blogs

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