This Blog is about the helpful information I have found and use to Create Blogs. You can follow the steps I have taken to Create Blogs, and find out how easy and fun it is to Create Blogs and Make Money with them.


Monday, April 02, 2007

Creating blogs

First of all you look at the different ways, also known as income streams to make money on the internet e.g. adwords, blogs, adsense, ebay etc and choose one, lets say you choose blogs. You research all the information you can find on creating blogs, and find the best way of running them, you set it all up and sit back to wait for your piece of the ‘internet pie’ that you have been told about.

But you don’t get the results that you had hoped for, what do you do?

Well I don’t think this is unusual. The guru’s tell you, you can automate your system and start earning straight away, with only working a couple of hours per week. Maybe that can happen but in my experience it doesn’t, so don’t worry. I find you have to work hard at it, like any other business and have a strategic plan. Test different ideas for advert placement and templates, when you find one that works test some more. The information out there is vast and changing all the time, try to keep up with it and research your market. The key to creating blogs successfully is the same as any business it takes hard work and good planning.

But the most important thing is to stay positive and believe that it will work, don’t panic, keep testing and stay motivated (which is easier said than done). Some Guru’s do tell you this, but it never sunk in with me until I had figured it out for myself! Please learn from my mistakes, and start your journey creating blogs prepared for this. It will save you a lot of time and turmoil!

Creating blogs

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Try They got hundreds of templates. Is all free and you can post up to a 100 full size images with no size or bandwidth restriction.